Now I have booked in for the ultimate treatment in interactive medicine all for $90.
What is this you all ask?
Energy Balancing and Realignment Techniques.
The Circulation of the Light stimulates the two main circulating reservoirs of energy in the body known in TCM as the Governing and Conception vessels. The whole of our energetic system is fed energy from the circulation of these two channels. When these two energetic vessels are blocked or compromised a myriad of physical problems can take hold in the body. As well as impacting on our overall energy levels, The C of L strengthens our immune system and is excellent for colds and flu, poor circulation, after extensive periods of illness, fatigue & stress related conditions and the physical impact of jetlag.
Removes physical lymph blockages and stimulates the natural circulation of the body’s lymphatic system. This procedure rejuvenates and boosts the body’s immune system. It is excellent for sluggish metabolism, continuous flu type symptoms, detoxification, lethargy, post operative procedures and the impact of long periods of stress on the body.
A particularly powerful energetic procedure that clears energetic blockages resulting in congestion in the region of the lower spine, the hips and legs. This procedure is used to alleviate pain in the lumbar-sacral area, stiffness and heaviness in the legs and menstrual disorders.
This energetic procedure specifically clears congestion out of the liver helping this important organ to immediately detoxify and assist in rejuvenation on a cellular level. The liver is the only organ in the body that can ‘regrow’ itself. This health impacting energetic process is highly beneficial for all, but is particularly important for those who suffer from low energy levels, ‘not the best kind of lifestyle’, suffer from depression, have constant levels of frustration & anger or have physical problems with the liver.
The chakra system is the body’s interface between the various fields that exist around the body and the meridian system. We open these important energetic gates to increase the energetic flow, and to address imbalances that can exist in them individually & also between them - as energetic correspondences. Unlike other chakra balancing techniques, this procedure is more precise and has a more lasting effect as well as an immediate feeling of unifying the mind and the body. This is a deeply calming and energising balance making it highly beneficial in times of emotional stress or as a pre cursor to other aspects of energetic treatment.
This balance, along with individualised treatment sessions helps women with chronic menstrual disorders and is also highly recommended for infertility or pre-pregnancy clearing of the pelvic region. It also assists men and women in the resolving of congestion in the sexual organs (loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, infertility) bladder problems and other issues occurring in the sacral area. This balance opens up the area known in TCM as the Conception vessel which influences our reproductive system and in doing so assists in the removal of blockages which may be impacting on the functioning of this area.
A common check for a pelvis out of alignment is a comparative check of leg length. Physical manipulation of the area will have little if any lasting effect. What is required is a resolution of the energetic congestion affecting the muscles causing the tension leading to skeletal misalignment. A pelvis out of alignment can cause pain in the coccyx, lower back pain, sciatic pain from the hip down the leg, as well as creating problems in pregnancy. This balance is a safe and effective treatment that can address problems caused by pelvic mis-alignment and is also ideal as a pre-pregnancy preparation treatment.
The Reconnection is the process of reconnecting our axiatonal lines or light body meridians with the universal energy grid, thus allowing access to higher vibrational frequencies and energies.
The use of channelled 5thdimensional frequencies is not a technique as such, it is an energetic transension utilising very specific and varying channelled frequencies that act on cellular and tissue structure affecting an overall change that far exceeds the impaction on our physical three dimensional body. When combined within the structural constraints of Energetic Medicine – phenomenal results can be achieved. The body is immersed within bio-photonic emissions or quantum based frequencies and is then able to instigate and support an appropriate healing for itself. What is essentially happening is a type of ‘whole body entrainment’.
Sessions often encompass visionary experiences, an alleviation of physical ailments or the ascension to a more positive outlook, which in its self potentiates healing within the body.
For those wishing to undertake the Reconnection (ie the process of reconnecting our axiatonal or light body meridian system) as a specific energetic life changing protocol – the result is often that you are accelerated onto your Life’s path, sometimes at a rate faster than one feels comfortable with but always with a change in consciousness. It is the re-connection of your mind, your energetic and physical bodies with Spirit that will impact on every aspect of your very being.
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